Saulo's Water Sports Offers Covid-19 Free Jet Ski Rental Fun To Lake Tahoe Residents and Tourists Alike


The COVID Pandemic Board of Directors has deemed that all Jet Ski Rental Companies, including Saulo’s Watersports will not be allowed to buy anymore punch cards! Saulo’s will only be able to rent these jetskis to local residents & guests with access to the Incline Village, Nevada access to beaches. Don’t Let The Covid Pandemic Get You Heated This Summer! Cool off at Saulo’s Water Sports Instead and Fill Your 2020 Lake Tahoe Spent Summer With Memories of Braving The Waters of Lake Tahoe on a fine Waverunner. The only jet ski rental businesses on any side of Lake Tahoe that will be operating this summer during the pandemic possess water crafts that have the seal intact & last years Tahoe-Only permits.
rent Covid 19 safe jetskis


In the wake of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Saulo stands alongside you every step of the way and remains committed to ensuring utmost jet ski renting safety and support. Because of California & Nevada Covid-19 PANDEMIC Restrictions, Lake Tahoe Beaches will be available to all Residents & Their Guests In Position of Punch Cards. Therefore Jetski Rentals will be ONLY AVAILABLE to Parties / Persons with Incline Village Beach Access!

During the Covid Social Distancing Mandate, Saulo’s Water Sports will be wiping down the jet skis after every rental. The thorough wipe process will include jet ski handlebars, seats, glove compartment & every handle & grip hold point on the jet ski. Life jackets are supplied for renters and they too shall be sprayed down with a disinfectant at the end of each rental.

Saulo’s Water Sports puts your safety first before your dollars so let the good times begin as Summer now overshadows Beautiful Lake Tahoe. Be sure to remember to CALL 1st To See If Enough Passes Are Available For You & Your Party Before You Book A Rental Reservation! HOORAY …. Renting will occur all summer at Saulo’s Water Sports.

covid free jet ski rentals